Cambodian Trails




About Cambodian Trails Private Guided Angkor Tour

Vannak , Licensed Angkor Tour Guide


Vannak has been guiding his guests to Siem Reap Angkor and most of Cambodia for more than 7 years. Although he has experienced office life in various NGO's and tourism related businesses, his heart was always in traveling and making every tour an adventure for his guests and himself.

Thy , Licensed Angkor Tour Guide


Thy has guided visitors to Siem Reap and all of Cambodia for more than 10 years. Thy started brightly in hotel and transportation management but discovered his true interest was in showing the real Cambodia to foreign visitors and building lasting relationships with his guests.


Cyril runs the office and is responsible for your tour inquiries as well as Hotel bookings. He will ensure that you always get a timely feedback and the organization of your trip runs smoothly.

Copyright Cambodian Trails (C) Version 0.3 and Partner